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For New Clients

We happily welcome new pets to our ever-growing family here at Fountain City Animal Hospital


Upon your first visit, you will notice that our waiting room is divided – dogs on one side of the reception desk and cats on the other.  Please pay close attention and enter on the appropriate side of the building.  We make every effort to minimize fear and stress for all our patients, and that starts as soon as you enter the door.  Our receptionists will frequently offer your pup a treat while you fill out paper work or converse with other staff members (be sure to let them know if your pooch has any dietary restrictions!).  This friendly interaction at the outset of a visit can make all the difference in the world.

Our cat patients, on the other hand, overwhelmingly prefer to remain safely contained in their carriers while waiting, assuming, it seems, that if they don’t see us, we don’t see them.  Please always transport your cats to the office in a safe and secure carrier, and don’t open the carrier until you and your cat are safely inside the exam room.  Dogs, of course, should always be restrained on a leash, and please don’t let them socialize with others in the waiting area without first confirming with the other dog’s owner that the interaction is mutually desirable.  Not all of our patients play well with others.

Once in the exam room, one of our trained veterinary technicians will take a brief medical history, note your pet’s temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate, and ask for a list of all medications and supplements your pet is presently taking.  The doctor will follow shortly, chat a bit more with you about your pet’s condition, and do a comprehensive physical exam on your pet.  The doctor will discuss all her physical exam findings with you, and if a medical work-up of any kind is indicated, you will receive a written estimate of fees from the technician prior to beginning the procedures.

Patient Forms

Fountain City Animal Hospital offers all of our patient forms online so you can complete them in the convenience of your own home or office if you choose. If you’d like, you can download and print, and bring the completed forms with you to your first visit.

If the forms do not open automatically, download the free PDF reader here: Download the Free AdobeReader®


This form helps us get you and your pets in our data base. Please fill out this form accurately and completely.

DROP-OFF FORM   |  Complete Online Form

When you leave your pet with us, if even for only a few hours, our mission is to keep them comfortable and healthy.  If we need to communicate with you about any of our findings on physical exams or laboratory testing, or if we need to get in touch with you for permission to proceed with a certain diagnostic plan, we want to be able to contact you quickly.  Please take a few minutes to read and fill out this form completely before leaving your pet with us for the day.

BOARDING FORM   |  Complete Online Form

When you board your pets with us, our mission is to keep them comfortable and healthy.  In case any unforeseen medical emergency should arise during their stay with us, we want to be able to contact you quickly.  Please take a few minutes to read and fill out this form completely before leaving your pet with us to board.


We are committed to keeping your pets safe under anesthesia, and the first step in doing that is choosing the safest anesthetic agents for them.  Simple blood tests can alert us to the possible existence of underlying subclinical abnormalities that would affect our choices of anesthetic agents.  Please take a few minutes to read and fill out this form before leaving your pet undergoing anesthesia.

PRE ANESTHETIC CHECKLIST   |   Download Online Form

This form is FOR INFORMATION ONLY.  You do not need to return it to us at any time. 

If your pet will be undergoing anesthesia for any scheduled procedure, we need your help in keeping him stable throughout his procedure and during his anesthetic recovery.  We are extremely conscientious about minimizing the risks associated with anesthesia by providing your pet with pre-anesthetic blood screening, close anesthetic monitoring throughout his procedure, and pain management before, during, and after.  You can help us keep him healthy and safe by observing these few important directions.

Payment Policy

The veterinarians and staff of Fountain City Animal Hospital understand you will always want the best possible health care for your pet. Sometimes the costs associated with the decision to go forward with complex diagnostics and extensive treatments can feel overwhelming. It is because of this dilemma that we work to provide you with several options that will benefit your pet, allow for optimum quality of life, and enable you to feel comfortable with your choice. Please do take note that payment is due at the time services are rendered. 

While our hospital does not offer in-house payment plans, we do accept the following forms of payment:

  • Cash

  • Checks

  • Debit Cards

  • All Major Credit Cards – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover

If your pet suffers an unexpected emergency, and you need to spread out your payments over time, we are happy to assist you in applying for CareCredit, a specialized healthcare credit card for which you can be approved virtually instantly.

Want to apply for CareCredit?

Learn More

Pet Insurance

Many owners purchase pet insurance to help them afford veterinary health care. The staff of Fountain City Animal Hospital is pleased to provide you with copies of your pet’s medical records for submission to your insurance company. Simply discuss the matter with the receptionist at your next appointment or contact us for more information.

The following is a list of pet insurance companies you might like to explore:


In the event that your pet requires an extended hospital stay, his care will be described to you in full detail, and you will receive a written estimate of fees.  In certain extreme situations, when a patient requires 24 hour intensive care, we will refer you to one of the local after-hours facilities where your pet can be monitored and treated during the overnight and weekend hours we are not at the hospital.  When this situation arises, we will always get an estimate of fees from the intensive care facility prior to transferring your pet to their care.